Kopo Kopo Bulk Pay
Do much more with your Kopo Kopo account. With our bulk pay feature, you can make business payments more efficiently by sending money to multiple destinations directly from your till.
Send money to multiple destinations at a go
Enjoy the flexibility of making payments directly from your Kopo Kopo account to other Paybill accounts, M-PESA numbers, Buy Goods tills, and bank accounts. You no longer have to transfer funds to a specific account first to make payments.
Experience the easiest way to pay your suppliers, employees or manage petty cash.

Easy upload of files
We have simplified the bulk payment process to save your time and money. It cuts the administration work allowing you to focus on growing your business.
High level of security processing
Right from creating a bulk list to approving the payment batch, we have added security layers to give you peace of mind when sending payments.